The Sakya tradition is one of the four major religious schools of Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded in 1073 in Sakya, Tibet by a member of the illustrious Khön family, Khön Konchok Gyalpo.

...The Sakya School has, since then, been headed by members of the unbroken ancestral lineage of the Khön family, themselves said to belong to a celestial race. The lineage has produced many outstanding mahasiddhas and scholars, as well as consummate texts on Buddhist philosophy and esoteric practices.


The Supreme Head of the Sakya School is His Holiness Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche. In 2017, His Holiness passed on the responsibility of Throneholder to his elder son, His Holiness Ratna Vajra Rinpoche, the 42nd Sakya Trizin. And on  the 16th of March 2022, in an elaborate Enthronement ceremony, the responsibility of leading the Sakya School was passed on to His Holiness Gyana Vajra Rinpoche, the 43rd Sakya Trizin. Whilst the position of Throneholder had traditionally warranted a lifelong tenure, it is now to be held for a duration of three years successively by each male member of the Khön family, in order of seniority.



The inspiration for founding the Sakya Academy was the determination by His Holiness Gyana Vajra Sakya Rinpoche that the invaluable spiritual legacy that the Sakya tradition is heir to should be preserved for the good of future generations.


In an increasingly secular world, there is a real danger that religious treasures gradually lose their relevance and eventually disappear. It is Rinpoche's vision that our Sakya Academy students become exemplary vehicles of the teachings of the Buddha and upholders of the precious Sakya tradition. This aspiration is at the core of their being and it is the driving force behind their pursuit of knowledge. Their ultimate aim is to serve humanity to the best of their capabilities.


Everyone at the Academy ardently embraces His Holiness' vision and no effort is spared to ensure that it continues to be made reality.